Monday, October 15, 2007

Return of the American Revolution

Return of the American Revolution
Raising the state sales tax last year from six percent to seven percent cost an extra $275 a year for the average family in New Jersey, but the impact of borrowing $3 billion to mail out 'property tax rebate checks' just in time for the election is going to be staggering.

It just continues the same irresponsible budget gimmickery of the McGreevey & Whitman administrations. The cost of this economic voodoo is unnecessary and ill-advised. Whitman's theft of $2.8 billion from the state employee pension funds has snowballed into a $97 billion unfunded liability (that means debt taxpayers will someday be forced to pay).

The guilt goes around to both Democrats and Republicans, so there's no argument that this is a partisan problem. It is a cultural catastrophe because New Jersey has tolerated the culture of corruption too long. It is time to get off this disastrous road and back on track -- and the best way voters can help assure change is by voting against incumbents in the upcoming general election --- preferably electing independents when they appear on the ballot.

In Union County there is a slate of independent candidates challenging Sen. Raymond Lesniak's corrupt party insiders. With 30 years in Trenton, Lesniak has to own up to his record of burying the state in debt and increasing expenses without providing quality service in return. Instead, the lawmaker has enriched himself at taxpayer expense.

Documents released last week show his law firm made $3.3 million from no-bid public contracts last year alone. Money that should have been spent on schools paid for the senator's $2 million shore house. Money that should have been spent on homeland security paid for the senator's his 300-acre villa in the south of France. Money that should have been spent protecting public health paid for the senator's Italian suits and gourmet meals.

If some of our kids lose their chance for a successful future, or your neighbors perish in violence or if people in your community die a slow and painful death, at least Sen. Lesniak will be able to hide these horrors from his eyes.

The American Revolution was a revolt by people who refused to be victimized against the injustice of rich and powerful people who were taking advantage. It is time for another American Revolution, so mark your calendar for Nov. 6 and elect some independent leadership in Union County.

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