Wednesday, September 24, 2008

More of the same with Sen John Complain

Why would any American believe Sen John Complain can effect 'change' after 26 years in Washington, DC? Consider this Republican records and ask yourself if America can afford more of the same with John Complain:

Perpetual War with Death, Chaos, and Destruction

Mismanaging Federal Treasury Funds

Fear Mongering at Home

Increased Governmental $pending while cutting Taxes to the Wealthy

$11 Trillion Dollar National Debt

Privatizing Profits while Socializing the Bailouts of failed Corporations

Unfair Taxation of the Middle Class

High prices for GASOLINE, Electricity, and Everything Else!

High Medical Costs and Prescription Drugs

Bank Failures and Record Home Forclusures


Invasion of Privacy and disregard for our Constitution

Corruption, Corruption, Corruption!

Religious Hypocrisy

Politicalization of the Justice Department

Degradation of our Infrastructure

Continued overseas export of American Jobs

Slave Labor

Decline in US stature and respect among the World Community

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