Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Meghan McCain's progressive views on supporting gay marriage have irritated the Republican Party's base, but her most obnoxious view as far as Republicans are concerned is her support for Obama to succeed as president.

"He's our president and when the election was over and when President Obama won, all negative feelings were gone," McCain said on the CNN's "Larry King Live" show. "I support the president."

That kind of unfettered patriotism and American loyalty is anathema to Republicans, who would rather see worldwide chaos and destruction than improvement following their electoral loss.

Sen. John McCain's 24-year-old daughter, who is now a columnist for, had better shine her jack boots and stop thinking so much, or Sarah Palin's party will just have to ditch'er.

Real Republicans, like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Timothy McVeigh, would never support a Democratic president.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Latino Leadership Alliance of New Jersey has got to change its name

When one of a handful of Hispanic state lawmakers announced he would not seek re-election, the leader of the Middlesex County Democratic Party reportedly said, "nobody from the Latino community has shown an interest in that seat..."

Although South Amboy Mayor John T. O'Leary has been campaigning for the seat held by Assemblyman Joe Vas and he is likely to be given the 'organization line,' the Hispanic community should be faulted for not responding to the alteration in the political dynamics created by Vas' indictment. By not even coming up with a single name for consideration as a 19th District legislator in 2009, the Alliance has forfeited its right to assert leadership of anything.

The mission of the Latino Leadership Alliance is to mobilize and empower Latino communities to obtain political, economic, and social equity. Without advocating the election of Hispanic representatives, they cannot do that. Latinos have not achieved a degree of representation in the Legislature that is commensurate with their share of the population or for the Hispanic community's contribution to the state’s progress.

It is worth noting that the Alliance failed to participate in the election of New Jersey's first Latina mayor in Perth Amboy the year before. More precisely, the group withdrew from active involvement in Mayor Wilda Diaz's campaign after it pledged significant support.

It remains true to this day: 'Evil can only prevail when enough good people do nothing.'

I do not doubt that the members of the organization from the grassroots to the top are well-intended, but New Jersey cannot prosper unless people take action against the forces of corruption that have pervaded government at all levels. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions, but it is action that constitutes good deeds.

The black community in Union County's 20th District could be accused of an equal failure, but there is no organization that presents itself as the voice of African-Americans in that region, although one is sorely needed. For that matter, New Jersey labor unions should not be content to let affluent political insiders carve up the state's resources among themselves and their corporate special interest patrons.

The times call for angry mobs storming the State Capitol, not quiet acquiescence. Primary election contests have become a rarity in the Soprano State, while government failure and corruption have become common.

Now that tens of thousands of people have lost their private-sector jobs through no fault of their own, voters should be treated to much more competition for public offices. Are Americans fresh out of ideas or just afraid to take a stand for anything?

"Go along, get along," is the motto of those who advance corrupt control over the political process. People in a position of power who do not want to make waves are drowning the opportunity to progress for all Hispanic people, or anyone who is poor or middle-class.

If the Latino Leadership Alliance and the people within the communities it purports to represent are unwilling to rock the boat, they shall never achieve progress. Instead, they will be co-opted and subjected to pandering and exploited, but most significantly, they will be ignored when it comes to substantive policy.

Hispanic residents are a key constituency in New Jersey's Democratic Party, and their failure to come forward when opportunity presented itself is a loss for all Democrats as well as for the principle of diversity. African-Americans and organized labor share a similar unfulfilled responsibility, and there is a good chance that you do, too.

Not having contests for public office means politicians are allowed to grow arrogant as they become entrenched. Political bosses are permitted to pass judgment on candidates instead of letting the public decide. Those who would question authority are forced into silence and those who would right injustice are forced out of the way.

Those who look at such failures as the Katrina disaster, over-crowded for-profit immigration detention centers, rising joblessness and a floundering economy, and other examples of government in action that lead to disgust, must look at their own inaction as a powerful part of the cause.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Our society is seriously flawed.
That mitigates against making small modifications to set things right and more strongly indicates a need for dramatic action: Big, revolutionary changes.
Of course, nobody likes making big changes and revolution scares the wits out of them.
That does not change the fact that we have to engage in massive restructuring so we can afford to send our kids to school, care for our sick people, employ all those who want to work and enjoy a standard of living comparable to or better then the one we know.
We can do what needs to be done, but we have to start doing it now.
All that 'doing the right thing' takes is enough faith in ourselves and enough love for one another.
I am disturbed by those pollsters who seem to have concealed the fact that Jon Corzine is not 'electable' in a contested primary even though he could prove 'unbeatable' in November.
Worse yet are those who call themselves Democrats, who accept corruption and incompetence from someone like Corzine simply because removing him is a difficult task that would require courage and effort.
Jon Corzine is not 'electable' in a contested primary because just 37% of Democrats believe he deserves re-election. He has closed hospitals, wasted opportunities to create jobs, improve state finances and cleanse the pervasive corruption that plagues New Jersey.
Jon Corzine is a waste, but he also bought his way into Democratic politics in a demonstration that there is no moral superiority in being the one giving out bribes as opposed to being the one taking them.
Having betrayed his promises and failed to achieve his potential, former Wall Street baron Jon Corzine should be fired.
Democrats believe Jon Corzine should be fired, but we are not going to replace him with a Republican just a year after George Bush made such a mess of our nation by plunging us into multiple wars, showing unparallelled incompentence with Katrina and wrecking the economy.
Independents believe Jon Corzine should be fired, but they too are unlikely to embrace any Republican so soon after Bush. No Republican has gotten 50 percent in a statewide New Jersey election in 20 years and there are 600,000 more Democrats now than there were in 2007.
Only 1-in-10 New Jerseyans feel that the structure of their government, including both state and local government, works well enough as it is now.
The cost of living, property taxes, and health care, along with the political corruption that makes it impossible for our government to address any of these problems, should require New Jerseyans to act like Americans, or people who do something about it.
Jon Corzine must be stopped in a Democratic primary or he will not be stopped at all, and New Jersey will surely suffer for it.