Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Meghan McCain's progressive views on supporting gay marriage have irritated the Republican Party's base, but her most obnoxious view as far as Republicans are concerned is her support for Obama to succeed as president.

"He's our president and when the election was over and when President Obama won, all negative feelings were gone," McCain said on the CNN's "Larry King Live" show. "I support the president."

That kind of unfettered patriotism and American loyalty is anathema to Republicans, who would rather see worldwide chaos and destruction than improvement following their electoral loss.

Sen. John McCain's 24-year-old daughter, who is now a columnist for, had better shine her jack boots and stop thinking so much, or Sarah Palin's party will just have to ditch'er.

Real Republicans, like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Timothy McVeigh, would never support a Democratic president.

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